Road widening is the least intelligent solution to our traffic problem. BBMP is pushing ahead with this mega project in total violation of the law.
It is internationally acknowledged that widening roads:
- Makes more people drive
- Increase traffic congestion
- Increases pollution
- Increases risk to public safety
Road widening costs approximately Rs. 10 crores/km. i.e. Rs. 4,000 crores in total! Your tax money is spent on a project that has no guarantee of success.Road widening costs approximately Rs. 10 crores/km. i.e. Rs. 4,000 crores in total! Your tax money is spent on a project that has no guarantee of success.
There is a plan to widen 140 roads totaling 400 km. This is how it is going to affect us :
1. Destruction of thousands of homes and businesses. 2. Cutting down of 30,000 trees resulting in a 3 degree rise in temperature. 3. Increased pollution (which is already 3 times higher than accepted norms in many places) because of the higher traffic. 4. Loss of many familiar, beloved heritage and cultural spaces. 5. The destruction of Bangalore as we know it, and its conversion into a hot, dusty, characterless city like the thousands of others around the country. A walk from Lalbagh West Gate to Town Hall called 'Namma Raste' is planned for Sunday, Nov. 9. It is to raise public awareness of these issues, and to get the government to rethink its traffic policy.
If you wish to do something about it please make time and be available for the walk to avert this insanity. The government should abide by the law and build the metro with more wisdom lest we end up with worse infrastructure having spent a humongous amount. The details of the walk:
Namma Raste Namma Ooru... HASIRE USIRU
Time: 11:00 AM
Date: 9th of November, 2008
Venue: West Gate of Lal Bagah
Kindly use the flyers below (English/Kannada) to mobilize people.
You can also use the following posters if you please -
With good number of people and support from media we can save Bangalore from legacy of goofups politicians have been leaving behind and preserve the legacies that Bangalore is best known for - it's parks, trees and the excellent weather! :)
A memorable moment from the Walk: