But what got me going was this one boy with Cerebral Palsy (I think) who was struggling to do 5 meters on the other side of the road, his mom helping him - 'everybody' around was cheering him - gave me goose pimples - I was almost walking with my knee hurting badly - immediatley started sprinting and probably the fastest bit in the day - ran all of the remaining 500 meters - the toughest! Such was the influence of that boy - I am glad I went all the way to Mumbai for this run! :)
I tried running with these slip ons from adiddas with not a very thick sole (qualifies as barefoot running I think) and my feet are really sore. My right knee was completely worn out. I need to fix my technique. Hoping to improve in future. Managed to complete the run in 2h 34m 5s around (by timing chip). If I do another HM decently this year will run FM next year! :)

I was to raise funds for this org called Touching Lives (http://ngopost.org/story/touching-lives-mumbai-marathon) but I was not sure of making it to the run till the nth hour. If you wish to support please ping. I love their recent work on micro credit and bachat khata. Their work with kids has been commendable! :)
38,400 (confirmed by a friend who was part of organizing team) people were out there to run/walk whatever distance. I am hoping the others can do their bit of walking/running/cycling also! :)) Can't emphasize enough on the importance of good health and well being. Just do it! :)
PS: Missed haivng a camera. Lotsa stuff to capture but can't carry a DSLR. Will invest in a good point and shoot sometime.
Its great reading all your experiences! In fact we compiled a small blog post on some experiences (http://blog.soulcare.in) from yesterday.
Today again saw a spurt in blogs abt experiences of Mumbai marathon guess it will continue for many days :) Looking forward to reading them all!
Good going man! Keep it up!
Good going Dodo : Keep it coming..Deepak
The result page for future use -
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